Report Instances of Extremism or Support for Terrorism

Be our eyes and ears. Report to us instances of Muslim extremism or support for terrorism. Tell us about individuals, organizations, student associations, religious leaders, mosques or any other group or individual of influence that advocates Muslim extremist ideology, engage in apologetic support for terrorist organizations or advocates "Jihad."

We will follow up and investigate your complaint and when appropriate publish our findings. We will place the spot light on extremists and terrorist sympathizers with the goal of either reforming or discrediting the offensive individuals or organizations.

Please send us any newspaper clipping, flyer or other document relevant to Eye on Extremism, email a scanned copy to [email protected] or send it by postal mail to:
2560 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 171
Washington, DC 20037.

Please fill out and submit this page to provide us with reports on instances of extremism.

We will never use your name unless you indicate otherwise.

State (if in U.S.): Zip:
Report of Extremism: